Compartimentul pentru Relatia cu Mediul Socio-Economic


Compartimentul pentru Relatia cu Mediul Socio-Economic
Adresa: Str. Memorandumului, nr. 28, Sala P4, Cluj-Napocaa

Telefon: 0264 202 371

Cursul Autonomous Driving organizat in parteneriat cu Bosch, ajuns la a 5-a editie

We are happy to announce the 5th edition of the Autonomous Driving: Technology, Dynamics and Control course (AD Course).  



Join our 1 semester Autonomous Driving course where you learn from Bosch experts how to transform theoretical concepts into mobility products for autonomous vehicles. With us you will understand the main concepts and work with state-of-the-art technology we use to build the cars of the future.  
At the end of the semester, you should be able to know what specific topic/field suits you best for your future career. 



Find out more in the video below: 



The course is a 3 credits optional course. Robert Bosch is sponsoring you with 2 credits, and there is just 1 credit for you to pay. You can pay for this credit at the secretary's office at the faculty after you receive the participation confirmation.  



For registration follow the link: 



Registration deadline: 1st October 2021 


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